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[美國直購] Wahl 8148 理髮器 理髮剪 Professional 5-Star Cord/Cordless MagicClipper的評價不錯.哪裡買最便宜.心得文.試用文.分享文.

Product Details
Shipping Weight: 1.2 pounds
UPC: 043917814803
Item model number: 8148
捷寶電子鍋內鍋Product Description
From Wahl Professional's commercial grade line of products, the 5-Star Cord/Cordless Magic Clip is intended for professional use only and is designed to deliver the sharp performance that experts demand with the freedom of a cordless clipper. The Magic Clip is the ultimate cordless clipper. It features high precision zero-overlap 2161 blades that offer superior speed and ease of use, a convenient taper lever for easy fading and blending, and a lithium ion battery for a 90+ minute run time per charge. It also has a cord/cordless cutting capability. For your convenience, the 5-Star Cord/Cordless Magic Clip comes with all accessories required for use. Package includes the clipper, (8) attachment combs, oil, cleaning brush, instructions, red blade guard, and recharging transformer. The 5-Star Cordless Magic Clip (#8148) measures 6.25" long and weighs 10 oz. Intended for sale and use in the U.S.A. only.

[美國直購] Wahl 8148 理髮器 理髮剪 Professional 5-Star Cord/Cordless MagicClipper
[美國直購] Wahl 8148 理髮器 理髮剪 Professional 5-Star Cord/Cordless MagicClipper分享推薦.好用.推薦.評價.熱銷.開箱文.優缺點比較
商品網址: http://greenmall.info/redirect.php?k=f40339d98517b18691b85bbf461c189a&uid1=&uid2=&uid3=&uid4=&uid5=0132EF1ADDF0292F